Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What does the Republican Party say about Ron Pay?

During this year's Republican National Convention, there was a video of dedication to Dr. Ron Paul. As you watch this video, actively listen to what the part has to say.  It is very sad that he was not given the Nomination.

The following is some of the principles listed on Representative Paul's website: 
  • Rights belong to individuals, not groups.
  • Property should be owned by people, not government.
  • All voluntary associations should be permissible -- economic and social.
  • The government's monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud.
  • Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges.
  • The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the government's
These are just some of his Freedom Principles.  There are endless videos at the above hyperlink, from Dr. Paul, as well as the different media outlets that have conducted interviews with him.

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