Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tonight's Discussion, my little sister, my older brother, and I were having a discussion about the election.  My little sister was watching the debate, which I purposefully didn't watch, and made a comment about "How She Was Digging Mitt Romney".  I immediately asked her why she liked him, and if she had done any research on the other persons running for the Presidency.  I already knew that she hasn't because she doesn't like politics.

This leads me into the current situation for most young voters in the country.  They are willing to listen to what people say, but when it comes down to making a very large decision for this great country, they are clueless.  I must be honest, before the last election, I was not a researcher.  I would listen to what the candidates said and took it at face value like most of America.

When I found out that Dr. Paul was a candidate, along with a few other candidates at the time, I began to actively research what people were about.  Per my own research, and in my opinion, Dr. Paul is the best choice for America.  He is the person that has sponsored many bills to help America get back on its feet, he wrote the Audit of the Federal Reserve Bill, among others.  

Please people, for the sake of our country, do listen to what the candidates are saying (and yes this includes Obama), actually put in some work on research who YOU feel is the best for America.  For me, come November 6, 2012, I will be writing in Ron Paul for the President of the United States.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What does the Republican Party say about Ron Pay?

During this year's Republican National Convention, there was a video of dedication to Dr. Ron Paul. As you watch this video, actively listen to what the part has to say.  It is very sad that he was not given the Nomination.

The following is some of the principles listed on Representative Paul's website: 
  • Rights belong to individuals, not groups.
  • Property should be owned by people, not government.
  • All voluntary associations should be permissible -- economic and social.
  • The government's monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud.
  • Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges.
  • The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the government's
These are just some of his Freedom Principles.  There are endless videos at the above hyperlink, from Dr. Paul, as well as the different media outlets that have conducted interviews with him.

Why Ron Paul?

Governor Romney and President Obama are hot on the campaign trails with the election right around the corner, but there is a man named Ron Paul, who is still in consideration for the Presidency of the United States.  Although, Dr. Paul, was unsuccessful in obtaining the nomination from the Republican National Convention, we as Americans can still write him.  He is one of the few Representatives to actually stick to his value systems, regardless of the situation.  Furthermore, he is one of the select few people who do not sway on their voting principles, especially if there is any doubt about laws being constitutional.  This is just one reason that answers the question:  "Why Ron Paul"?  Check back later for more reasons, as well as, reasons not to vote for President Obama or Governor Romney.